Welcome to Pangea Logistics Solutions

اربط سلاسل الإمداد بخطّة النّقل المناسبة

ستساعدك شركة بانجي لوجستيكس سولوشن على شحن بضائعك بأكثر الطّرق نجاعة وأفضلها تكلفة وموثوقيّة، سواء كان ذلك عبر الجوّ أو البحر أو البرّ. ويمكنك من خلال استخدام منصّتها التّكنولوجيّة المتينة أن تسخّر لفائدتك قوّة الشّركة ورؤيتها الشّاملة وقدرتها على التّحكّم.

Your next partner in everything logistics

Customer Relations

Developing positive and long-term relationships with our employees, customers, partners, and suppliers is one pillar of success.

Innovative solutions

A part of our daily activities is to stay ahead of the eve innovative solutions to connect your business with the rest of the world.

International Reach

We can help whether you’re a seasoned supply chain expert looking to reach new continents, or you're just starting out and hoping to enter new markets.

Dedicated Team

The process of shipping over the sea can be a complex and risky one. That’s where our dedicated team of professionals comes in.

Our Services


We ensure the safe transportation of your cargo by land, sea, and air, as well as the timely dissemination of information.

Customs & Compliance

To ensure accurate customs compliance and timely delivery of your goods, we combine our brokerage and shipping services.

Supply Chain

We’ll devise the best solutions to reduce costs while ensuring the timely and safe delivery of your goods.

Warehousing & Distrubtion

We provide you with warehousing solutions and door-to-door shipping services. We got you covered no matter the size of your goods or how long they need to be stored.

What Our partners and clients are saying

Working with Pangea has helped us manage our supply chain splendidly! Highly recommended!
Sabri Pulp
Pangea has been the go to partner for our company in everything logistics for years now.
Raouf Pulp
It's always great when you work with someone and they not only meet, but exceed your expectations.
Salma Pulp

Latest Industry Insights & News


We are here to help you with any questions or concerns regarding international trade.